Tire Tips

Tire Tips from Champion Tire

Proper Driving: When possible, start and stop vehicle slowly and decelerate around corners. Also, avoid squealing tires. This will help prevent unnecessary wear and tear of your tires.

Always drive the recommended speed limit. Increases in speed cause higher tire temperature, thus extra tire wear.

Slow down or avoid curbs, potholes, and any debris in roads; also slow down on rough roads. Failure to do so may throw off your vehicles alignment and cause unneeded damage and wear to your vehicle’s tires.

Rotations: Make sure your tires are properly balanced and rotated. This should be done every 5,000 to 8,000 miles, or as recommended by the tire manufacturer.

Proper Tire Fitment: Make sure your tires are of the recommended size for your vehicle. If your tires are undersized, they could potentially lose up to 10% of their life and also cause your vehicle to waste gas.

Proper Alignment: Having your vehicle properly aligned is important in maintaining tire quality. Vehicle alignment should be checked often, especially if you notice your vehicle ‘pulling’ to one side or another, or if you notice irregular tread wear on your vehicle’s tires.

Check Your Tires: Tread depth is another important factor for tire maintenance. Tires should have a minimum tread depth of 1/16th of an inch. A quick easy way to test tread depth is the “penny test”. Place a penny within the tire’s treads and check to see if Lincoln’s head is visible. If Lincoln’s entire head is visible, then it is time to replace the tire.

Do Not Overload Your Vehicle: Overloading your vehicle may jeopardize its ability to operate safely. Check your owner manual for vehicle’s maximum load.

Proper Tire Inflation: Always keep tires inflated at levels listed in owner manual. To ensure proper pressure reading, check tires when they are cool. Air pressure should be checked about once a week for routine driving.